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  1. Z

    Count to 1 Million

    2312.1 2312.2 2312.3 2312.4 2312.5 2312.6 2312.7 2312.8 2312.9 2313.0
  2. Z

    Connecting to mysql

    Set up a username in mysql, localhost is the connection, your username and database are usually yourx10user_thennameofdatabase or username. Make sure you add the user to the database and give it permissions so it's %100 active.
  3. Z

    Perl 500 internal server error. Something wrong with my code.

    Are your page properties set correctly? Most perl scripts either have pages set at 755 or 777 but it all depends on the script. So try doing that first and if it doesn't work let me know.
  4. Z

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for a Ladybug
  5. Z

    My Personal site - []

    Wise point. I was meaning to change the text font color from that blue because It was hard to read. But as far as the background image thing goes. I don't know I wanted to see how'd it look. I might take it out.
  6. Z

    My Personal site - []

    Yeah I was meaning to change the font, or where you talkin bout the images?
  7. Z

    Something besides hi, How about Hey There!

    Well, I'll make this sweet and simple. My name is Brandon, I'm 17 years of age. I have been designing, coding since the age of 12 ( when I really got into it ) I know my way around photoshop, dreamweaver and flash. My list of skills include PHP, ASP, HTML, C++, Flash AS 3.0, Photoshop designing...
  8. Z

    My Personal site - []

    Well I decided to make my own website again.. I wasn't lookin for too fancy of a layout and any layout I use is built by me haha. Well here it is, if anybody has any thought or ways I can improve please let me know. I'm always looking for tips to improve things. [Note - It's...
  9. Z

    Have a look on this site plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Point blank the thing needs alot of work lol.