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  1. V

    suspension help

    Your Account is Currently Suspended Your hosting account with the username is suspended, access to this account has been disabled. The reason for suspension is listed below. Suspension Reasonuser transfered to another server. Unfortunately this suspension is not able to be resolved...
  2. V


    is cossaks cp down? i cant seem to get onto mine :S
  3. V

    Email confirmation

    it appears to have fixed itself :S sorry guys! Thanks though!
  4. V

    Email confirmation

    Theres no error message its just not updating my address to resend confirmation.
  5. V

    Email confirmation

    It says "Account pending email address confirmation for" Which is the wrong email address that im trying to update lol
  6. V

    Email confirmation

    i tried that but its not updating the address to send a confirmation:confused:
  7. V

    Email confirmation

    Hi i cant seem to get my email confirmation. I gave the wrong address and have since went away and got the old address also and its not there or at the address i wanted it at.