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  1. R

    Database Error

    Same message when Im trying to access my email account
  2. R

    chopin c-panel

    Cant access cpanel/chopin. Message: There is a problem with this website's security certificate. Any idea? Thanks
  3. R

    What's wrong

    What's wrong about my website I do not see it, can't login to account panel, can't see the reason and status either.
  4. R

    Login Account panel trouble

    Hello I have no problem to log in directly in c-panel but when try to login through x10Hosting Account Panel see massage: "Invalid email address or password supplied".
  5. R


    Your message: "You have been suspended for inactivity. It is a requirement that you login to the x10hosting forums once every month to keep your account active; posting is never required. This is an automatic suspension, you're able to unsuspend yourself immediately." I tryed to unsuspend but...