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  1. L

    Suspended again

    I use Joomla with Kunena Forums... Maybe this is too heavy for x10? Would Premium account support Joomla? How can I become premium using the same account?
  2. L

    Suspended again

    It's supossed that my web's cpu usage is very high but I think is a very simple web, with not much internauts, with a very low data transfer. Can someone re-unsuspend my web? Or tell me if this hosting will ever work correctly for me? Thanks.
  3. L

    Web Suspended??

    But It says Unsuspended and Active account... Have I to wait? The web is active from 24 hours ago. :(
  4. L

    Web Suspended??

    Thank you so much, now I suposse I have to wait to see the web. I stills says Account suspended when I enter the web.
  5. L

    Web Suspended??

    "You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, or process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, you're able to unsuspend yourself immed." How can I restore it?