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  1. B

    Starka no funciona

    Hola, bueno este ya es como mi 4 tema sobre este problema, pero nadie me ayuda, el problema esque el servidor starka no handa funcionando, trabaja muy lento y esto le sucede a muchos, en sudamerica no carga la web ya que esta demasiada sobrecargada, todos los mods me responden que carga...
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    Starka not work

    Hi, well this is already like my third topic I have seen this problem and I'm not the only one who has it, it happens that the server handa Starka very slow and does not load in any web, you can not access the cpanel, ftp, or any site that has housed there, could please do something to fix...
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    My server does not load

    Hi, I already did a topic about this, but "descalzo" told me that my server did not respond, but I've been tested time and I've also tried in other pc's and actually load the server, here I leave a picture of it: Translation image: "The connection has been reset The connection to the...
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    my server is not responding

    Hi, I removed the suspension of my account for lack of forum activity, but when trying to enter the server does not respond, my server is ", please ask to solve this problem or I move the server, thank you very much.
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    Unsuspended and modifiy domain

    Hi, can remove the suspension of my account urbanofl? and upgrade my primary domain (has nothing illegal or anything to do with "warez") thank you very much.
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    Mi hosting no funciona

    Hola, tengo un problema ya hace un buen tiempo y esque mi web no carga, pense que era un problema momentaneo pero ya lleva regular tiempo, mi dominio principal es: y el parked es: Bueno espero que me ayuden, muchas gracias de antemano.
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    Me bota error al entrar a mi web

    Hola, intente entrar a mi dominio (un dominio parkeado) el cual es UrbanoFlow.CoM y me boto la siguiente pagina: Quiero saver a ver cual es el error exacto, gracias.