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  1. C


    When I log on to the X10hosting site and choose control panel it shows that MySql is down. When I log on to Cpanel and the choose MySql, I tried to delete one of my MySql databases and it won't delete. Is the MySql server down for This is for account name Cybernin.
  2. C


    ok i was suspended fro 4 days for not having ads and now i am unsuspended..i had the ads up..and i havent changed anything yet to my website, i am confused as too why i got suspended for no ads, can a mod please check and tell me where else to put ads? im still ify on my 4...
  3. C

    cpannel unavailable

    hello once again, i've bought a domain from godaddy and i went to and manually changed from a sub domain to the domain i bought...after a while i decided to change it back since i couldn't access the cpannel and it was on the parked page (which later today i found out that i...
  4. C


    don't really know where to post this sorry admins if this is the wrong place, my account was suspended for not adding the ad that i of course have the code for. the reason for this is that my website is being upgraded constantly and i was hoping to add the ad once i atleast my home page became...