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  1. C

    Website and URL vanished

    Okay thank you. Appreciate the support. I just wasn't aware that everything is deleted after too much inactivity. Thanks, take care!
  2. C

    Website and URL vanished

    I received the notification on June 4th at 9:30PM: "Your x10Hosting free web hosting account svcghost has been suspended. Access to this hosting account has been restricted until the suspension has been resolved." I'm pretty sure I last saw it online and accessible (the website) on June 2nd...
  3. C

    Website and URL vanished

    Hey guys. I had my domain, and my site was up. Then I was suspended for inactivity and nothing exists anymore, not the domain, not the site. Any ideas why this happened? Thank you very much
  4. C

    Internal Error but permissions fine??

    Thanks pal. Worked.
  5. C

    Internal Error but permissions fine??

    Hello. I have a PHP file on my site at location: I am getting the internal error message. I set the permission just like I set the other files that are accessible on the site. How do I set the permissions properly with a Mac? I don't...
  6. C

    why is so sloooow?

    You can expect any free hosting server to be slow.. especially if it doesn't limit how much crap you put on your site. If you want speedy connection, you gotta pay for it.