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  1. T

    404 error?

    Um, today I try to visit my site, and it doesn't work, my webmail doesn't work nothing. Gives me a 404 error telling me that the page is not there, I try a different page still nothing, my site is
  2. T

    Mail Server Issue

    Hey guys, since I transfered my main domain to my account, my email has not been working ( I deleted the IMAP account on my former host, and re-recreated the same name IMAP account with my x10 hosting. I set everything up perfectly, even trying the auto-setup config...
  3. T

    Quick Question

    Hey Guys, im and and I started a topic, but I think this section is a better home. Original Thread: ^^Thanks for the help:happysad:
  4. T

    Hey guys, im New!

    Hey guys, Im new to this site, tired of the restrictions placed on my by my old webhost. Great site and services I must say, transitioning was suprising easy (webdisk, easy ftp setup etc), and the control panel and all its features, yet still being simple and easy to use? Unbelievable so far. I...