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  1. M

    Account Suspension

    Okay, but i didn't know that my account was going to be permanetley suspended.. if i had know it, i had made a backup. Those DCR file are that old, that i didn't know it anymore.. please..!:frown:
  2. M

    Account Suspension

    And there is no way to get a back-up of all onther files, I really need them?! I just forgot that i still got those DCR files.. :frown: I'm nog jusing it for a really long time!
  3. M

    Account Suspension

    Oh, yeah, damn.. the DCR files.. But it wond be jused anymore.. isn't it possible to delete the DCR files and unsuspend it..:frown: I can't lose all other files!!:frown: (Sorry, i'm Dutch)
  4. M

    Account Suspension

    Why is my account suspended? I have got Habbo files, but those are not against the rules of Habbo. It's just for testing files for a Habbo Fansite like and Please, unsuspend my account. I really need those files! Markk