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  1. roo2000

    Can't send email from my forum.

    I'm having problems sending emails to members of my forum. I had it set so that when somebody sign's up the get a confirmation email etc, it's worked fine since my forums been open but then suddenly it doesn't work. So now if somebody forgets their password etc it can't be sent to their email...
  2. roo2000

    No idea where to post any more????????

    I just want my forum back! :confused: I thank everyone for their help over the last couple of days (Corey mainly thank you) but my site still isn't back. I have access to everything as normal but instead of my homepage I get the following..... Index of / Name Last...
  3. roo2000

    No idea where to post any more????????

    sorry double post please delete
  4. roo2000

    Only thing working is account info.....

    Help please. This is my first site and it was only up for a few days until the absolute server problem. I can now only access the account info. I cant access with my ftp client, i cant access the control panel and my domain still gives the 404 error. I do have everything backed up if I have...
  5. roo2000

    Phpbb2 - Phpbb3

    Ok I'm new to the forum and also new to hosting a site so hello everyone. I currently host a forum using PHPBB2. I'd now like to make the change to PHPBB V 3 BUT....... I don't want to lose my users. I have set up a new phpbb 3 forum and all I need to do now is add my user's from the old...