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  1. B

    Account Resest

    I got myself into a bit of a mess while attempting to learn php and user authentication. After experimenting, It looks like mySQL is messed up in some fashion. I tried uploading a backup, but had no luck. Is there a quick way I could restore all account defaults, or would an administrator...
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    Unable to connect to webpage

    My free static webpage is no longer up. I get no suspension or error message. Just completely doesnt even find it. I am still able to login to my CPanel though.
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    Some funny websites. is a great place to visit when you're bored and looking for ideas for something random to put onto a page. is probably my favorite. Enjoy!
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    Okay. So lately Ive been trying to learn to program in Flash CS3 with actionscript 3, but havent been able to find any decent tutorials. Anyone know of any great resources for learning Actionscript 3 and understanding the concepts built into CS3?
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    Homepage Trouble

    Hello. Recently Ive set up a test homepage (index.html) After messing around for a little bit with the homepage, I decided to change it completely. So, I open up index.html in public_http and edit the html so I have a banner at the top and a black background. After I save it, I check back on...