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  1. R

    Access email without cpanel?

    Thanks! Another related question... I have email forwarding set up to go to a gmail account. I've noticed that if I send an email to my coworker and it gets forwarded to their gmail, when they reply the reply is forwarded to the address I sent the original email from. Is there anyway for my...
  2. R

    Access email without cpanel?

    I am setting up a site for my company and I would like for my co workers to be able to log in and use email. However, as far as I am aware, you have to log into "the site" on x10, which gives you access to cpanel, and then log into email after that. I am worried that if they log into cpanel...
  3. R

    Flash - concatenating variables

    Everything traced out and checked. problem is with this line: key = myVars[ VarVar ]; key comes back as undefined
  4. R

    Flash - concatenating variables

    Nope. Still not working. Comes back as undefined.
  5. R

    Flash - concatenating variables

    Can't figure this one out... ...this works on(release) { var TempMusicName1 = "slammal"; currentSong++; VarVar = "TempMusicName"; VarVar += currentSong.toString(); PlayVar = this[VarVar]; trace(PlayVar); //result slammal } ...this doesn't...
  6. R

    help putting PHP in my JAVASCRIPT

    Would you explain this to me: The MIME type for JS is "application/javascript". IE ≤ 8 has problems with this MIME type in "type" attributes, but not with the Content-type header. I dont quite follow what you are saying. I used the application/javascript header. Youre saying thats good...
  7. R

    help putting PHP in my JAVASCRIPT

    nope, no errors. The link just isnt changing from red to anything and then back, like the JS is supposed to make it do.
  8. R

    help putting PHP in my JAVASCRIPT

    First off, yes I know php only runs server side and only once before the page is output. That said, this should still work. What am I doing wrong? MP3COMPETEjs.php (my JS file): Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); //-----------blinking text function blinkFont(obj)...
  9. R

    Setting a 5 minute session expire time

    Livewire pointed out problems with using session.gc_maxlifetime and the cookies approach. That was good but it still presented the problem of actually blocking out the real user. So I devised a plan to use javascript to run some php that, instead of looking to see if it should log the user...
  10. R

    .htaccess rewrite engine help

    Perhaps it would be best to explain that my site is really more of an application than a website per se. I'm not trying to do this for looks, but rather to hide my directory layout from the user. I dont want them to know the location or the URI of what page they are looking at and I dont want...
  11. R

    Simple Actionscript Syntax question

    The problem is in the flash actionscript, not the php. I have solved the problem a different way by making a new php file that the flash refers to. instead of "compsummary.php?id=123456" its now "ReloadFromFlash.php" Then I use a session var to get "123456" Your code looks excellent, btw...
  12. R

    .htaccess rewrite engine help

    Well, the first post of this thread outlines everything I want.
  13. R

    .htaccess rewrite engine help

    sorry, I mean no offense. Im just trying to figure this out. I like the idea of an iframe, but i have about 60 php pages and a lot of other things going on. It seems like it would take a lot more work to adjust all that to work through an iframe. If i could write a couple lines in an...
  14. R

    Simple Actionscript Syntax question

    Here's the php. it works like a gem with everything except this flash $_SESSION['url3'] = $_GET['url3']; //if url3 doesnt exist, exit if(!isset($_SESSION['url3'])) { PrintError('Sorry, url3 doesn\'t exist.','index.php'); exit; }
  15. R

    .htaccess rewrite engine help

    look at the middle 2 links.. he completely changes everything after http://mysite/
  16. R

    .htaccess rewrite engine help

    hmmmm, so this guy just has no idea what he's talking about: "not-so-simple rewriting ... flat links and more You may have noticed, the above examples use regular expression to match variables. What that simply means is.. match the part inside (.+) and use it to construct "$1" in the new...
  17. R

    Simple Actionscript Syntax question

    no the problem is with the actionscript. The variable DOES exist in the movie and IS set to the right value. I set some dynamic text to = the value of url 3 just to test this very thing. when the movie is launched, right there at the top of the screen, it says "url3 = 123456" i got...
  18. R

    .htaccess rewrite engine help

    There are a couple things im trying to do with the rewrite. lets forget the https ssl and just focus on the url shortening I want every page in my site to be shortened to just "" it is my understanding that shortening urls doesn't actually redirect the user anyway, and to the...
  19. R

    Setting a 5 minute session expire time

    Thank you livewire. I thought that cookies only adjust how things ran on the client's computer, and not the server? Here's what I'm really trying to do: There is no fail proof way of telling when the user naviagtes away from my page, or closes the tab in their browser they are using to...