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  1. R

    Access email without cpanel?

    I am setting up a site for my company and I would like for my co workers to be able to log in and use email. However, as far as I am aware, you have to log into "the site" on x10, which gives you access to cpanel, and then log into email after that. I am worried that if they log into cpanel...
  2. R

    Flash - concatenating variables

    Can't figure this one out... ...this works on(release) { var TempMusicName1 = "slammal"; currentSong++; VarVar = "TempMusicName"; VarVar += currentSong.toString(); PlayVar = this[VarVar]; trace(PlayVar); //result slammal } ...this doesn't...
  3. R

    help putting PHP in my JAVASCRIPT

    First off, yes I know php only runs server side and only once before the page is output. That said, this should still work. What am I doing wrong? MP3COMPETEjs.php (my JS file): Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); //-----------blinking text function blinkFont(obj)...
  4. R

    Setting a 5 minute session expire time

    trying to understand how i would go about setting a 5 minute session lifetime I gather you can set the max time between garabge collection by using: ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 300); But, I understand on a shared hosting environment, changing just the session.gc_maxlifetime may not...
  5. R

    .htaccess rewrite engine help

    my site is laid out like so: public_html/index.php public_html/everythingelse/(all other files here) Im trying to figure out how to remove everything in the browser's url bar after the .com in my site. so, would be rewritten as...
  6. R

    Simple Actionscript Syntax question

    just trying to pass some variables from flash to php with getURL getURL("CompSummary.php?url3=" + url3, "_self"); url3 keeps coming back as undefined However I printed out url3 using dynamic text in the flash movie just to check it and it does indeed exist, and is defined. I also...
  7. R

    Trying to convert this Actionscript function to PHP

    I'm trying to create a php version of this actionscript code because I need to encrypt and decrypt data between flash and php. I got almost halfway through it, but the part about creating 6 bit numbers from 8 bit binary confused me a bit. //original Actionscript...
  8. R

    MySQL 1054 error

    #1054 - Unknown column '$var' in 'field list' Anybody ever get a 1054 error from mysql? Im having this very strange problem, when i try to insert letters, i get this error, but when i try to insert numbers it works fine. The field is type VARCHAR, so it should take both. The letters are...
  9. R

    Just trying to create a simple PDO query function

    Here's my function: function GetCell($funcConnect,$funcSQL) { $funcResult = $funcConnect->query($funcSQL); return $funcResult; } here's how i'm calling it: <?php echo GetCell($UsersConnect,"SELECT age FROM cpanelname_Users WHERE PermUserID='$CurUserID'"); ?>) Here How I...
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    hiring programmers

    Anybody know a good place to find a good programmer? Can't pay upfront, but willing to sign over 50% of net profits for life!
  11. R

    Help with my drop down menu?

    Would anybody be willing to take a look at the drop down menu on my splash page: The drop down seems to have a mind of it's own!
  12. R

    Facebook has all sites blocked

    Apparently Facebook has decided that all sites are abusive. I can't post any links to my site on my facebook page.
  13. R

    Accordian Menu with nested rollover graphics

    Looking for a simple CSS/javascript code for a vertical menu. Once you rollover one of the items (which is itself an image that switches to another image on rollover), the accordian expands, pushing down the other main menu items below up, and opening up a new menu, with items that are images...