Search results

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    Introducing JAXL - Open Source Jabber XMPP Library

    JAXL stands for "Jabber XMPP Library". For fun, JAXL stands for "Just Another XMPP Library". JAXL is written in PHP. This library currently supports following features: Connect to a Jabber Server (e.g. Gtalk) TLS Encryption DIGEST-MD5 and PLAIN authentication mechanisms Roster Support...
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    How to set up forward/reverse proxy in apache?

    It shd reach directly to http://localhost:5280/http-bind when I fire an ajax call to http://localhost/http-bind
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    How to set up forward/reverse proxy in apache?

    Hi, I want to make an ajax call to http://localhost:5280/http-bind from http://localhost. So for this I am making an ajax call to http://localhost/http-bind and then want it to be proxy forwarded to http://localhost:5280/http-bind Has anyone tried this before, can someone help me with this...
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    Suggest a text based game

    Hello Friends, I have started a website and one of the features is online text based games on your Gtalk itself. Right now I have only one game, Anagram which one can play by adding in his gtalk messenger. However I am looking to add more text based...
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    Suggest a text based game

    Hello Friends, I have started a website and one of the features is online text based games on your Gtalk itself. Right now I have only one game, Anagram which one can play by adding in his gtalk messenger. However I am looking to add more text based...
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    [Review] Anagram - Online gaming first time on Gtalk Messengers You can reset it here. Just enter your email-id.
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    [Review] Anagram - Online gaming first time on Gtalk Messengers

    Ya you are right.Anyways you can try that out, you need not even register for playing the game so don't worry ;)
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    [Review] Anagram - Online gaming first time on Gtalk Messengers

    We are pleased to announce first ever game in the history of Gtalk messengers. Anagram, many of you might be familiar with it or even played many a times back in school and colleges. Its a simple text based game, where you are given a jumbled word and you need to re-arrange it. E.g. You will be...
  9. O - Beta Released

    How often it does happen that you and your net freak friend plan out a movie and he never makes it in time. You just wishes if there was something which could remind him on his screen about the movie which you have planned together. makes it all easy for you now. You can now set...
  10. O - Beta Released

    Today on 15th October 2008, exactly one month after our release we are pleased to announce college networks for all students around the globe. Click to join your network - As our database reached over 2,00,000 status messages within 1st month of release, we felt a...
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    Crontab help

    Well it indeed worked out this way. Hell need to learn this cron scheduling smwhere. Know of any good tutorial online?? Thank anyways, Imoracle
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    Crontab help

    I did the following: -bash$ crontab -e then added: 10 * * * * /var/www/testCron.php which will send a mail basically. According to this cron job i shd have recieved a mail every 10 min. Or am I wrong, but I am not getting anything. Can someone please help on this stuff. Imoracle
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    A Light Weight Javascript calendar for your websites and blogs

    Thanks a lot buddy. Well actually you might not necessarily move to div format if you know how to handle stuffs with tables. Browse through any of the google page and you will see it full of tables. Further their is actually no link which I referred for learning div structured pages, it all...
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    A Light Weight Javascript calendar for your websites and blogs

    What dynamic calendar are you looking for, can you save me from looking down the forum by pasting your needs here. If thats something which can be of value for all, I can add that up. Edit: May be this might woo you which I made long back...
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    Is there any symfony guru on this forum?? Symfony the php framework?

    I am in need of a symfony guru urgently. If there is any on this forum kindly post a reply, I will then contact you. Credits as many as you want, no problem. Imoracle
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    A Light Weight Javascript calendar for your websites and blogs

    I have uploaded and open sourced a A Light Weight Javascript calendar for your websites and blogs though a few might be interested in it. Thanks. Imoracle
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    [Link Exchange] I am ready to place a thousand links on my site

    I guess I already added that and sent the permalink to you in the other blog post.
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    Free Unconditional Reciprocal Link Exchange.

    Sorry couldnt find any, I even tried searching for my site gtalkbots dot com and could find any post with that key word
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    [Link Exchange] I am ready to place a thousand links on my site

    Hi, I am ready for this. Kindly post your site link and I shall put that up instantly. In reply kindly put my site link on your site. Thanks, Imoracle