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  1. A

    Creating a Simple CMS [PHP + MySQL ?]

    Yeah, I'm just experimenting. WP and Drupal are bloated for me, I just need something simple. Besides, I think coding is sorta fun. So any noob mistakes I should avoid, like forgetting to sanitize queries?
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    Creating a Simple CMS [PHP + MySQL ?]

    I wanted to create a simple CMS but I'm not sure how to start off. I've started working on the MySQL database. All I have right now is a table titled posts. Here's the output of describe posts; +-----------+-------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ | Field...
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    Vacuus - Nothing

    Thanks. I didn't know about FontSquirrel, I'll definitely use that. The site's content will be focused on technology (things with a processor, maybe with an emphasis on Linux). I understand how the color scheme would not be fitting if I were selling something like ice cream. I think the current...
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    Vacuus - Nothing

    My site is: I'm just working on a theme right now so there isn't anything content-wise. Just wanted to get some ideas before going on. The default font is currently Liberation Mono; if you don't have it installed you will get Arial. I know they are two very different...