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  1. evilasio

    MySQL not working!

    I don't know what's going on, but since yesterday my SQL is not working well. :dunno: I have a WordPress site that's off right now, and since yesterday I tried to install a Drupal application, but I can't 'cause the SQL db is down. What's happening? My account:
  2. evilasio

    My account is suspended!

    Hi! My account is suspended now, the reason was that I replace the WP theme in the page, but forgot to put de ads code. I'm a new user, can I have my account unsuspended, please? I forget about it, my bad. This will not happened again. Thank you! account name: evilasio
  3. evilasio

    Help Needed! Config problems!

    I having a problem to configure my domain ( I talk to the domain server support, and they tell me that my domain is not configurated to the X10Hosting server, that's why the domain servers always says that the X10Hosting domains are "Unknown domains". I'm trying to...
  4. evilasio

    Problem with CPanel and Domain

    I'm having a problem to parking my domain. I'm trying to access my CPanel, but come the answer: The Server is not working`, and The Page Cannot Be Viewed. And I have one brazilian domain that i've trying to use, but when I try to configure the domain in the brazilian server, come the answer...
  5. evilasio

    Delete account needed!

    I need to delete my account: Username: evilasio web: I can't access no more the CPanel 'cause I tried to install my own domain, and now, I can't use anyone of the address (my own or the x10hosting), and don't know what to do. I want to stay here. Maybe I will create...
  6. evilasio

    Own domain

    Necesito usar mi dominio acá, mas no puedo. Necessito de nombre y IP de los servidores Master and Slave1. No sé donde buscar las informaciones.