Search results

  1. R

    Where's the SSI gone?

    I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the latest round of server updates (I'm on cossacks, which apparently had some problems yesterday), but I appear to have completely lost SSI functionality on my website, where it was working fine yesterday. I don't think I've changed any settings...
  2. R

    Email address for parked domain

    Edited... I thought I had solved this problem, so I closed the thread, but now it seems I have a different problem, so I'm opening it again. Sorry for any confusion! First of all, I should just say how much I'm appreciating the ad-free hosting. I realise I've asked about a couple of things in...
  3. R

    Images & Parked Domain

    I apologise if there is already a thread about this - I have tried the search function but nothing immediate springs up. I recently purchased a domain,, which I have configured to point to my space at x10Hosting. It is clearly working, because the html files are loading OK, but...
  4. R

    Bad Hostname/DNS Issue?

    Hi. Just signed up - enjoying the service so far, but I've come across something that puzzles me. I submitted my page for validation at W3C, using this page. The first time I did it, it was fine, and it was subsequently fine each time I edited my index.html page. All of a sudden, it stopped...