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  1. ubermouse89423

    Can\'t access website via IP address

    Does a dedicated IP cost more ontop of premium? And if so how much? (I can't load the order page for some reason, it's just blank).
  2. ubermouse89423

    Can\'t access website via IP address

    I can\'t browse to my website via the IP address, I am assuming this is because it\'s shared hosting and so it doesn\'t know what website to go to. I am trying to achieve redirection with the hosts file to my website, is this possible on free hosting? Or will I have to upgrade to premium hosting...
  3. ubermouse89423

    Glitched un-suspend request

    Yep thanks
  4. ubermouse89423

    Glitched un-suspend request

    I have a glitched un-suspend request from the 16th that is apparently still processing, which is stopping me from getting un-suspended currently.
  5. ubermouse89423

    Hosting account suspended - Automatic un suspension isn't working

    Well it was suspended as of time of post, it still says it has a processing un suspend request, but it is unsuspended.
  6. ubermouse89423

    Hosting account suspended - Automatic un suspension isn't working

    My hosting account has been suspended for high resource usage (I use it for a dynamic signature system and I was accidentally re generating the all users signature every quarter of a second or so) multiple times (As I have about ~15 seconds to log into file manager, open generation file and...
  7. ubermouse89423

    URL file-access

    Sigh, I'll just have to try my old host. Is it the same for paid hosting?
  8. ubermouse89423

    URL file-access

    So there is no way for me to load images from an external website? Except for maybe cURL.
  9. ubermouse89423

    URL file-access

    Basically I wrote a PHP script that takes an array of image urls and uses PHP GD to combine them all into one image (Bypass sig limits on certain forums). BUT I get these errors every time I try to run it on the host "[19-Dec-2010 02:00:01] PHP Warning: imagecreatefrompng() [<a...