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  1. L

    defualt page for a week then suspended account?

    my account went from a defult page for a week to a suspended account. on my x10hosting account is says nothing is wrong though i had my site for 2 years on this host i'm not sure what happened. my site is i am on a starka server I did just unsuspend my account a little bit ago...
  2. L

    I'm very very ... sad .Please,help me

    how do you move back to unlimited?
  3. L

    how could i get more visiters to my social network

    my site is called, check it out make a profile tell me what you think. any idea's or suggestions would be nice please be in detail about what you like or dislike and not just say "this site sucks"
  4. L

    my site was hacked, is there any recourses x10hosting has to help?

    they did a attack on the site by erasing parts of my databases and got through by uploading a php file that would do it. they also somehow get into the cpanel and vandilising my pages. later they erased the entire site
  5. L

    my site was hacked, is there any recourses x10hosting has to help?

    my site was hacked and im heading to court soon is there anything x10hosting has like records or anything like that?
  6. L

    mysql server error out of no where. was i hacked?

    oh ok thanks for the help.
  7. L

    mysql server error out of no where. was i hacked?

    #1286 - Unknown table engine 'InnoDB' some tables are down others are doing fine. im not sure whats wrong. all the major tables are down like the usernames and chat rooms. could i have been hacked?
  8. L

    why arnt my emails sending? is it a code problem?

    mail($email , 'SaintMonopoly' , $message . "Please Dont Reply to this number go to" );
  9. L

    sending email from site

    i have an account verification on my site and it is sposed to send the email to their email account but it is extremely slow my code is mail($email , 'SaintMonopoly' , $message . "Please Dont Reply to this number go to" );
  10. L

    why wont the mail send?

    its for the login page and everything is sent to the database fine but the mail dosnt go out to the email and i have tried 2 diffrent emails if(isset($_POST["username"]) && isset($_POST["password"]) && isset($_POST["email"])) { $username =...
  11. L

    ajax chat making high recourse limit

    what are some things i can do to make a ajax chat less of a CPU hog?
  12. L

    cant get my file to upload with the information going to the database.

    Oh ok thank you for the help I'll make sure to get it off of my site then, I appriaciate the descriptive answers
  13. L

    cant get my file to upload with the information going to the database.

    all of the files are to be ran on the site, the terms of service say that there cant be any files that dont have anything to do with the website. and for copyright infringement i have a terms of service myself that says you cant upload anything that isnt owned and made by you. so with all that...
  14. L

    cant get my file to upload with the information going to the database.

    why dosn't this work? its to upload an mp3 and with the information you input into the text box's and puts the name of the mp3 into the table on the database <? $con = mysql_connect("localhost","rabble","rabblel"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }...
  15. L

    why is my once working code saying its deprecated?

    its the session_register one. so for example it was session_register("shares"); what would i change it to?
  16. L

    why is my once working code saying its deprecated?

    my login page once worked but all of a sudden today stopped working and no one on my site could login to there accounts then a little later in the day i got an error saying "Deprecated: Function session_register() is deprecated in on line"
  17. L

    Google Adsense

    yah google dosnt go for those try a diffrent advertising site like affiliate programs there really nice like commision junction
  18. L

    Tips on making game site more attractive

    ur game is very good looking. i almost want to play it, it looks fun
  19. L

    Need help

    he didnt copy any of it. i just checked on google. but its nice a little to broad though maybe stick with a certain feild of study
  20. L

    Review my site please :D i really need the help you might have to make an account but dont worry its not that hard just make a name and password and your in