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  1. P

    Account Suspension

    I do have a hosting account, which WAS linked to this forum account, but I'm not sure why it says it isn't linked to it anymore. What should I do? EDIT: In case you need to know, my hosting account username is massoine while my domain is massoinette.
  2. P

    Account Suspension

    Hi. My account was suspended for inactivity- I haven't logged on in the 30 or so day limit- but I wasn't aware that I had passed the limit because I didn't get the email that alerts you when you're getting close. I was hoping you could unsuspend it.
  3. P


    I understand the reason I was suspended (tried to upload a proxy server), and I admit that I forgot about the rules. I was hoping that, as long as the proxy content was deleted, I could be unsuspended.
  4. P

    Can't create free hosting account.

    It's been a long time since I've used my account, but I wanted to start up a website to feature the stories that I'm writing. I got on, logged in under my email, and checked to see if my hosting account was deleted. It said that I don't have hosting under my account, which I assumed meant that...