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  1. P

    Reason for Suspension

    PSP is Paint Shop Pro. These are lessons using the programme. We have 18 different groups teaching different aspects of using PSP - masks, blending, tubing, etc. Each Group has a set of English lessons but we also have them translated into up to 9 other languages as well. I am preparing to...
  2. P

    Reason for Suspension

    They are lessons associated with PSP - In most groups there are 10 translations. I had them there for mods to download if they needed them should their computer crash or such. I am sorry that I did not know this was a violation. I am not really all that savvy on web terms, I am sorry. I...
  3. P

    Reason for Suspension

    I received a notification of suspension today regarding the reason why I have 5gb in one folder and password protected. The contents are lessons and password protected so that only those who are authorised can download them. Blessings ConnieC
  4. P

    Failing to login to C Panel

    For some reason, today I am unable to login to my Cpanel I keep getting a 102 error - connection refused. Have I done something wrong?