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  1. O

    Forgot cPanel password

    Hi. Recently closed hosting account and set up new one (needed different domain name), but I've stupidly gone and forgotten my cPanel password. URL is Account name is obviously mattforce Email addy is, I'd appreciate it if I could have my...
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    Please Terminate my account

    Hi. I would like my hosting account terminated ( The username is "online". The reason for this is that I want to open another hosting account with yourselves, and obviously I can't have multiple accounts. The reason for the new account is that I have shared the old url with...
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    (Stoli) Server Status okay, but no Site.

    Hi. I've been patient with this update and reshuffle that seems to be going on, but now since the alerts appear to be saying that it's finished.... All accounts copied apparently, so... 1. Absolutely no access to my site today, and it's been on and off over the last week or so. (no 2 was...
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    SMF Forum - 500 Error

    Hi. Installed SMF the way I usually do. Everything installed fine, but when I try to access a forum/topic I get a 500 internal server error (see here:,1.0.html). EDIT: Solved it. I cannot use search engine friendly URL's. Is it your version of...
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    PHP Gabble Visible on PAge

    Hi. Got Apache 2.2.6 and PHP 5.2.5 installed and working... ish. On one of my pages: I get loadsa crap on the top of the page. Any ideas what that means, and how I can lose it? The page works fine on x10, but locally I got problems. I know it...
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    Apache2Triad Help Needed!

    Hi. I have A2T up and running, but after uploading and trying to run a php script (a link exchange program), I have found errors. If you look at this: then click the continue/next button, you get a pageful of crap. now, the php.ini file included with...
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    (Stoli) "Too Many Open Files" - FTP Issues

    Well the title says it all really - I'm getting an error in FTP, stating that too many files are open, and as such I can't open my directory listing in Filezilla. It's not that urgent, just thought I'd make you aware of it. EDIT: Incidentally Stoli is slow in general right now =( And it was...
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    300+ Credits If you can solve this...

    Hi. I've just started getting this website to work. Well, when I say work... There's a lot wrong with it, so I don't need anyone to tell me that, but I could really use some help with the following: The tabbed menu:- For those of you who don't know, the tabs call the info from external pages...
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    Stoli HTTP Issues

    Stoli's definitely behaving better today than it has been, but what's up with the http problem? And when Corey said he's "working on this server", what does that mean? I just need to know when Stoli's dodgy Apache is gonna be fixed? If it can't be done soon, would it be feasible for me to...
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    Where did these Yahoo Ads come from?

    I'm not sure whether my brain has finally fried, or something has changed at x10... I just added some Bidvertiser code (a vertical, wide skyscraper zone to be precise), and the ad has come up as a regular horizontal banner, and it says "Ads by Yahoo!" on it. So, I tried my AdBrite code...
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    CSS/HTML Problem REALLY Bugging me.

    EDIT: Solved. Neeeeeevermind.
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    Stoli New MySQL HostName Please?

    Can we please have the new hostname for MySQL? You said you'd give it at stage 5, but the update appears complete (the server load is nice and low, and MySQL appears to be up). Everything seems to be working fine, we just can't connect to it without the hostname. Thanks.
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    Stoli Working fine, but slowly

    Just thought I'd let you know in case you didn't know. The server load has been consistently high for about an hour now, and cPanel/my site are EXTREMELY slow. Amazingly, they have not timed out once! Hehe - that's a start, right? Lol. PS: Roughly how long do PHP upgrades take? The info thingy...