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  1. A

    Suspeneded my account due to my lack of knowledge.

    Hi x10 members, I am having trouble with my free account. I uploaded phpbb files and vbulletin (no licence) to the server. But my account is suspended due to nulled vbulletin upload. So pls delete vbulletin files which is under public_html\vb and dont delete my phpbb files which is in...
  2. A

    Account Suspended It is showing my account suspended due to illegal torrents... I never used illegal torrents.. I used this forum for freeware torrents (not wares). I used the name "Black Wares Simply" There is no Wares torrent there. Pls reactivate my forum... AJ
  3. A

    Moderators, Pls delete this post..
  4. A

    Hi to x10

    I am glad to be here in x10hosting forum. Hope i will enjoy my stay here.. Thanks..:redface: