I created a test table called janpyrke_log in phpmyadmin and now I can't drop it. There seems to be some functions such as dropping tables and privileges missing in my phpmyadmin. Even an SQL DROP DATABASE statement is being disallowed. How to I get rid of this table? My user name is janpyrke.
The default web page on fbapps.org.uk isn't displaying my index.html file or any other file I've uploaded. Instead, it is redirecting to another default web page on the server. Can you sort this out?
Mu user name is janpyrke. Thanks.
My domain is fbapps.org.uk. I own this domain and set its nameservers to yours. I need this domain to point to my home page, not your home page on stoli. I keep getting this error when I try to change it:
action status
A change to your hosting account's primary domain...
I've tried to change my main domain from presario.x10.mx to fbapps.org.uk and I get this error when I view pending actions:
Hosting Domain Modification
submitted March 20 at 1:55 pm
action status
A change to your hosting account's primary domain.