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  1. scynge29

    My Personal Site

    Thank you, I've updated it recently now
  2. scynge29

    My Personal Site

    Thank you very much! I'm working on the updates to add more information now, I hadn't thought much about adding more until now, thank you.
  3. scynge29

    My Personal Site Just looking for opinions on the look of the site itself at the moment. Thank you.
  4. scynge29

    Unable to reply to threads

    I am lacking int he ability to reply to other peoples threads. I have tried a few different ones to make sure it wasn't the specific thread I was tyring to post to and it does not let me reply to anything. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  5. scynge29

    N64 best games anyone?

    My two favorites would have to be: Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64
  6. scynge29

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    My wife bought me The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for christmas and gave it to me early, that's probably the only game I've got in the last 4-6 months I think.
  7. scynge29

    Dungeons & Dragons

    I play every saturday and every other Sunday I host a game at my house :) Lots of fun if you are playing with the right group of people.
  8. scynge29

    Disc Space request

    Ah thank you very much, I did not realize there was an error log that big in there. Thank you for clearing that up for me, I'll try to look harder next time before I ask, sorry about that.
  9. scynge29

    Disc Space request

    I was curious if I was going to be able to get more disc space, I do not think I have violated any of the TOS. And I do not use my site for file sharing/hosting or anything of the like.
  10. scynge29

    Disc Space request

    I'm not sure if we still need to request more disc space or not, the past posts made it seem so; If so I would like to request more as I think my account has not had any problems since I established it in April. My Cpanel Username is: Scynge and I am on the Chopin server. Thank You.
  11. scynge29

    Looking for Recomendations/thoughts. I was hoping to get some input on my site if anyone was willing.
  12. scynge29

    Looking for opinion on my 1st site.

    I took the Java applet out, which helped alot since It wouldn't load on my wifes laptop, but now the site will come up without it. I'm working on changing the colors/backgrounds also to be better legible. I dont offend easily so no need to worry about that. And I would love to find different...
  13. scynge29

    Looking for opinion on my 1st site.

    Ok I know I asked for opinions when I first put my site up, but I have changed some things and added some more things to it. Was wondering if I could get some feedback on it.
  14. scynge29

    Looking for opinion on my 1st site.

    alright the background is changed now to something that will hopefully do a little better I think
  15. scynge29

    Can't get to my website or forum.

    Ok got the DNS to flush finally. still didn't work had to delete all browsing history inlcuding my favorits before it would finally come up :) thanks for the help I was getting frustrated that I couldn't figure it out.
  16. scynge29

    Can't get to my website or forum.

    Whenever I try to get to my website or straight to my forum it redirects me to this page : and says to contact the hosting provider if I wasn't expecting it. I was wondering if there was something wrong with my site or what it was. I read on the...
  17. scynge29

    Looking for opinion on my 1st site.

    I will defenitly look into that then :) no rudeness taken at all thanks
  18. scynge29

    Looking for opinion on my 1st site.

    Thank you all for the replies I'm learning html/css programming from a book I've got, and I like it pretty well so far. I've got a forum up now linked to it, and I am working on a comment area on the front page of the site, but I am having problems with it (but I won't get into that here as I...
  19. scynge29

    Looking for opinion on my 1st site. This is the first site I've ever made and I was looking for opinions on it. still working on adding a few more things to it also, so this is just a start for a beginner.