Search results

  1. D

    Count to 1 Million

    2424 repeats itself
  2. D

    link exchange with CSE-LAB.COM

    I would be interested. My blog is also an IT related blog (Photoshop/Freebies/Mainframe). Check it out at
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    Need Wordpress Support

    I am assuming that you have added "Archives" to your theme Sidebar. You will need to change it to "Calendar". I have attached a screenshot below
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    Displaying and using a database created with PHPmyadmin on a created website

    I found an useful link here - The example talks about adding people names & addresses, but I think it is pretty clear to modify
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    Review my website please~

    As a restaurant, I think the first thing someone would want to know is the location and timings. This way, I am not in agreement with danleveylibaton53's comments (though I do agree that too much of text in the main page would be a little distracting). I would suggest that you place your address...
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    x10Hosting's stance on e-libary (no copyright violation)

    Thx for the quick reply! My query is resolved.
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    x10Hosting's stance on e-libary (no copyright violation)

    First of all, thank you for the service you are providing. Not many hosting providers can claim to do all that you guys are giving for free. I would like to host an online library (mostly with manuals for applications running on Mainframes). All these manuals are available from the respective...