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  1. H

    OMG how can i backup my free hosting website back

    thank you it's solve automatically >>>
  2. H

    OMG how can i backup my free hosting website back An internal server error has occurred. Please try your request again momentarily. File or directory permissions are set too high: Files should be 0644, directories 0755. Problem with your .htaccess file. A syntax error in a CGI script. how can i solve it...
  3. H

    Why ??? My Website is down

    waiting waiting for website please give me reply if you had solved same problem..................... in how many days....... in how many weeks,.............. in how many months........ in how many years............
  4. H

    Why ??? My Website is down

    it may also last for long time..... ??? i had visited fourm post of 2009 with same problem and visit the website but it is not solved yet.... what happens to me.......?? can i hope it will be solved
  5. H

    Why ??? My Website is down

    My website is down or it is server problem ( is this>> freehosting problem or also Premium Service also hope it solvedddd fast
  6. H

    How can i have domain

    solved solved solved
  7. H

    How can i have domain

    how can i have domain....... i have account and i want to install joomla in it i need your help