Search results

  1. gorillanet

    Resourceful Websites are mostly Illegal?

    For web developers like me, most of the time the software we require is sold at very high prices. Good scripts alone range from 300$ till the sky! I have fortunately come across a number of resourefull websites that house a horde of these scripts in 'nulled' packages. Most of the nulled...
  2. gorillanet

    Just How Usable is Iphone?

    Apple's iPhone is hands-down the best cell phone I've ever used. It's not the lightest, smallest or most durable, and it doesn't even have the best call quality or loudest volume. However, the sum of its parts -- and there are many -- easily push it to the top of my list. First, the basics...
  3. gorillanet

    Nulled Scripts R NOT BAD ?

    I have been searching for a number of functionally specific scripts lately. My interest was mainly community scripts. There are a number of them out there. Some overly functional and others barely on their feet. I came across names like phpFOX, Boonex, Abledating, Dzoics, Skadate, Datecomm e.t.c...
  4. gorillanet

    Newbie In da house

    Hello community. Just set up my site. Uploaded files to www folder but my url shows default x10hosting page:( Did I do anything wrong? Help.