Search results

  1. J

    Moved on to a paid provider

    Ah, ok, well thanks anyway, and I'd just like to say that it's nothing against the x10 hosting service at all. It's the best free hosting provider I have found - the most features, it was reasonably fast, and I didn't have any trouble installing a test cms system. I had just hoped to see a...
  2. J

    Moved on to a paid provider

    First, thank you for offering a free service to those who need it, and allowing those considering purchasing your services to try it for free. The hosting itself, for a free server, was second to none. I signed up with a handful of companies which offer free hosting to decide which one to buy...
  3. J

    Is Javascript/PHP Needed for Breadcrumbs Navigation?

    If you want to avoid JavaScript and you have a small-ish site, the easiest way would be to use HTML/CSS and hard code the breadcrumbs in on each page (as you mentioned before). If you have a larger site, you can use PHP to do it, but you will need PHP and MySQL experience in order to do so (if...
  4. J


    Bump? :/
  5. J


    Hello, is there a way to enable Gzip compression on my site? I\'ve tested here: with my domain, and even with various .htacess methods of attempting to enable this, I have been unable to. I have also not found anything in cPanel for doing so. Is...
  6. J

    Error 3C179A72

    Edit: This has been resolved, thank you!