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  1. L

    Thanks :D

    Couldn't agree more - the space is just there. All the time. all this for some forum activity once a month :-)
  2. L


    Been using the X10 service for a while now for my personal website. Great availability. Unobtrusive, always there :-)
  3. L

    Hi to all!

    And, actually interacting with the forum once a month at least, is not that much of a hassle :smile:
  4. L

    Good Old Games

    I recently discovered this site: They sell classic DOS games at extremely low prices. And they *work* (through a customized DOSBox interface) I already picked up Dungeon Keeper, Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition, Stonekeep, and Freespace 2. A lot more RPGs are available, but I...
  5. L

    Hello from Belgium

    I ported my site to X10 hosting after the last free hosting was hijacked by spammers. Basically it's just a small personal site where I keep pictures about what's happening in our lives as a family. If you're interested, this is the url: