Search results

  1. easyfreezone

    site missing stuff but up

    Hello, my website on the absolut server is up but the wordpress blog about 40-50 posts is missing and many of my links and pages. Also my smf forum a lot of posts and all my members are missing. I think it went backtrackked or my mysql...
  2. easyfreezone

    site error

    Hey, I was just wondering if everything is fix already because in my site it says some wordpress error. Is the localhost server still or back to localhost because its still at in my side .
  3. easyfreezone

    phpmyadmin not workin

    Hello, I tried to access my phpmyadmin system, its working. It just keep on loading i waitted for like 5 minutes but nothing show. i even tried refreshing it, and in the down/up time page it shows mysql is up and working. can anyone help me?
  4. easyfreezone

    cant delete mysql

    Hello, I just saw that the absolut server for mysql is up in the up/down sticky thread. But still i tried to delete the mysql database it says "deleted database" but still shows. can anyone help me fix this? Edit: bump , anyone help?
  5. easyfreezone

    advertisements info

    Hello, I am giving out advertisment space on my website or advertisment infos: 50 impressions= 50 credits 500 impressions = 400 credits 2000 impressions = 1600 credits 10000 impressions = 8000 credits advertisment...
  6. easyfreezone

    cant delete backup

    Hello, I went to full backup and click on "download or generate a full backup" then it says generate a full backup, i filled in my information. The backup completed was email to me and was listed in the host i downloaded it sucusfully. Now i want the backup deleted which it is still there...
  7. easyfreezone

    site operation problems

    Hello, I went to my site hosted by x10 which is here and when i go there it says "internet explorer can't open the internet site Operation aborted" but when i vist the forum , everything there works perfectly. Do you...
  8. easyfreezone

    database is a old one (need switched...)

    Hello, The database on is a old one and I need to have it copied again. In the 2 database felow efz_smf1 efz_wrdp1 Thanks
  9. easyfreezone

    site errors & weird stuff happenings

    Hello, These day lately i been having error in my website saying mysql is not connected to the wordpress blog or the smf forum or correctly connected. But another while my website smf and wordpress blog works again, its like a pattern, not work, than work than not work, and on going. Also the...
  10. easyfreezone

    login attemplt (cant login)

    Hello, Just right now like a hour ago, I can't login my free hosting control plan, but i can't login x10hosting member area but not the cpanel , do you know why? I didn't change the password/usename of anything except added my domain name into x10hosting.
  11. easyfreezone

    make $$$ online

    Hello, This website pays you to complete offers/surveys/telling your friends/contests/promo and more There is also a $60 contest coming up soon Bonuses *20% 1st referral earnings *10% 2nd referral earnings * $5 signup bonus just for REGISTERING * 0.50 for your your referrals 1st offer...