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  1. J


    I was using the mail() php very well, suddenly it stops of work??? Npw it is not working. Whats happen??? I did something wrong? I need your help
  2. J

    mail() in php

    2 weeks ago I was using the mail() function without problems, everything was running well, suddenly it stopped of work. In my site everytime I register a costumer, I have a script that sends email through mail() function. But it dont work anymore...why? someone can help me?
  3. J

    Mysql databases

    problem solved..thank you
  4. J

    Mysql databases

    Hi, I tried to open my site but is impossible I'm not able to access by source. Even by CPanel appear something like that..."in use(#1286 - Unknown table engine 'InnoDBЪ*')"...I dont understand?? is your services?? I need you help...thank you