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  1. G


    You just know this had to come up sometime (of course i haven't gone through the forum totally yet so there may already be a thread like this). What does everyone think of Pres. Obama? Do you want to see him reelected in 2012. Why?
  2. G

    Gay marriage

    I am a Christian so obviously i am morally opposed to gay marriage and gays in general... I don't hate gays, there are some that kind of give me the creeps, but most seem to be nice, albeit different, people. I really don't care what gays decide to do whether it be marriage or some other more...
  3. G

    Can't connect to sql...

    I double checked but I still get the same error...
  4. G

    Can't connect to sql...

    I was just modifying small things on my website, and suddenly I'm not able to access sql. I get this error: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user '***'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/***/public_html/test/***.php on line 157...
  5. G


    How exactly do the Cron jobs work, I've tried to get them to work using many variations online but none of them work. What's wrong with what I'm using now??? 0 * * * * php -f /home/iceman3/public_html/updatestats.php