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    Unable to optimize domain with Cloudflare under X10 cPanel

    Hi, I have been trying to get my domain to optimize itself within cPanel but I keep on getting an error message Error CloudFlare is already hosting "" under a different account. If you are the new, rightful owner, please contact CloudFlare and reference this message (#208 )...
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    Advanced DNS entries disappeared have?

    Hello All, I have just been in to check on my domain via cPanel and to alter a couple of settings, etc. When I tried took a look at my DNS entries they have all gone. Now, from what I can remember about when I setup my website, I had initially input several custom DNS records: Various CNAME...
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    Is CloudFlare still supported on Basic W/Hosting Package

    Thank you both for your reply's, I have managed to get CloudFlare to work, Cheers Bryon :)
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    Is CloudFlare still supported on Basic W/Hosting Package

    Hello All, Just a quick question about using CloudFlare and x10 (Free) Hosting, which I hope someone could kindly answer. I would like to use CloudFlare CDN services on my domain via X10 cPanel interface. The CloudFlare Icon is visible in cPanel under my domain but when I try to click onto...
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    PHP to begin deprecation of ext/mysql -- start moving your development to PDO now

    Another great little gem is called Doctrine2 very good at enabling developers to "separate their concerns" and abstracting data away from application logic. Doctrine2 is a ORM and it uses its own database abstraction layer called DBAL. Check out this website for a insight into Doctrine &...
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    Email Authentication SPF and DKIM help !!!

    FIXED It looks like there was an issue with the additional IP blocks that are allowed for my domain. As mentioned earlier, I provided all the IP's found under the records. which I added to the additional (IP4) blocks section. As soon as I tweaked these settings (removed them...
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    Email Authentication SPF and DKIM help !!!

    Hi misson, Firstly, thank you for your reply. I hope now this all makes a bit of sense as trying to communicate technical information contextually can sometimes be a total nightmare and I hope that I did not repeat myself too many times nor come across as being patronising as this is not...
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    Email Authentication SPF and DKIM help !!!

    Hi, I am in the process of setting up Google Apps for domain, mostly for there offerings of up to 50 extra email accounts plus a couple of features, etc.. I am having some problems trying to secure my domain from spammers and would like to know how to *properly* setup the Domain Keys...
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    Disk Space Policy Change

    I think this "Disk Space Policy" is a good Idea, on a couple of points. Most importantly, this policy should at least help to stem the problem of abuse from idiots using this great service for means of streaming warez / hosting illegal content, etc.. This is yet another freedom that has been...
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    how to make some text in web page visible after 20 sec.

    A really cool jQuery Plugin which enables you to visually control the appearance of your webpage elements or complete sections of your site, basically, any inline or block level tags. The beauty of this plugin and jQuery as a whole is that you don't really have to get your hands dirty with DOM...
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    Using some .HTACCESS Rules found in Paul Irish's HTML 5 Boilerplate on my new W/S

    Hello everyone, I am here today to try and get a problem answered by all you knowledgeable designers / coders ... My question is this; Can I use *some* of the .htaccess rules that can be found in the HTML5 Boiler Plate (By Paul Irish) As the name implies I am looking to build and deploy a...
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    [cPanel] Auto MySQL backup

    Thanks for your CRON example DB Backup script, I will give it a whirl to see what's what.
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    Atmospheric Chemtrails Toxic or just messing with the wether either way its bad?

    Well, I have to be optimistic and always try to see the good in people's natures whenever possible and to even contemplate some of the things that I have been reading about (And witnessed) It saddens me to say the very least. If past records are to go by this wouldn't be the first time that a...
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    windows 8

    A great place to find out more on the current microsoft releases (including windows 8.) is a place called (no affiliation). There you will be able to get a load of insider gossip on the new M$ flagship OS, the target laptop market price point, its proformance in the beta stages of...
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    Atmospheric Chemtrails Toxic or just messing with the wether either way its bad?

    Have you ever looked up at a crystal clear blue sky and then almost out of nowhere suddenly you begin to see the strange formation of clouds - like out of nowhere - furthermore in a matter of about 20 minutes to an hour the skyscape suddenly becomes covered in dense cloud cover along with the...
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    Get "" domain to work with your x10hosting account.

    Another way to get a free ccTLD is off of the registrar. just visit and it works just the same as the above mentioned examples there may however, be a few issues with DNS settings if you decide to use the Cloudflare service but there is plenty of info on that side of things if...
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    Issues with Chopin Server Cpanel Cache Error?

    Hello, I am just trying to quickly post a article to my WordPress Blog and I cannot find my site not able to ping it and I have this error displayed which is a bit too in-depth for me to grasp.. I hope that this is nothing serious and can be sorted easily.. THE ERROR MESSAGE can't write...
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    Wordpress XMLRPC PHP - Can I Remotely Publish Posts?

    Hi, I am having "Issues" with regards to being able to publish my Blog posts using the remote publishing option for my Blog editor (Contribute 5.1) I would just like to know if it is an option that has been disabled for free hosting accounts. I am sure that the appropriate options are...
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    Automatic Website Login - Login to your website without any hassle!

    Yeah, I also use this Firefox extension Its very handy for all kinds of stuff that is repitisious like you said logging into a website, opening a URL and assigning actions upon window.load., etc you can record all kinds of stuff the name kind of gives it away. Its a macro Extension for browsers.
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    The x10 community rating/credit system explained

    What other services can one aim to buy with these "Credits" then?