Search results

  1. SEÑOR

    Help Me Win

    Hey everyone. So Im in this contest for Doritos where I need to get views ratings and favorites on a video I made. We have worked endlessly to try and get a good ranking. In the contest we can win up to $250 000!!! The prizes are as follows: 45th-344th: $25 15th-44th: $100 5th-14th: $1000...
  2. SEÑOR

    Help me Win a Contest!

    Hey Forum, A few days ago my friends and I entered a contest for Doritos. Basically we can win up to $250 000 If we get one million points(Point details: If we get the most points but not One Million we win $100 000! Right now after one day...
  3. SEÑOR

    My design into Wordpress

    Hi, I have a fully coded html/css design I need to be coded to work with Wordpress. Im offering all the points I have. Thanks. Contact me if your interested MSN:
  4. SEÑOR

    Lockerz Invites!

    Anyone else, I still have invites to send.
  5. SEÑOR

    Lockerz Invites!

    Its a new marketing website where u answer a question each day and get opts to get prizes.
  6. SEÑOR

    Lockerz Invites!

    If you would like an invite to Lockerz post your e-mail here or PM me and Ill send you one, Only 18 left!!!
  7. SEÑOR

    Laughing4Free < Review Us!!!

    hey guys, Sam here, I just released my website with my partners, Laughing4Free. It features our videos and some extra videos that arent seen on our youtube channel( It would be awesome if some of you reviewed our new site: I want a...
  8. SEÑOR

    Need Cartoon Made!

    I need a cartoon/vector of a light green monkey made. Im paying 800 points. Please make sure its on a transparent background. E-mail all entries to Best ones get points.
  9. SEÑOR

    Make 5 points in 2 seconds!

    You can make 5 points in literally 2 seconds. All you have to do is go to: Watch one of the 2 videos, post a comment. if you like the video click subscribe! Then go to: and make a comment saying...
  10. SEÑOR

    I Have No Friends

    Yeah its me. And haha thanks for your comments. Yeah I should take some lessons :P Its only our second song ever made so were still noobs at this.
  11. SEÑOR

    I Have No Friends

    I Have no friends....its all explained here:
  12. SEÑOR

    The Show

    Hey guys be sure to check out my new video "The Show"
  13. SEÑOR

    Wanted: Joomla Developer

    Hey there. My name is Sam and Im currently working to start up my website We have a PSD design but need it coded for Joomla. We also have a bunch of features we need installed on the system. The Design(Preview): Features...
  14. SEÑOR

    Logo 1400 points

    No specifics. something like or be unique.
  15. SEÑOR

    Need Joomla Developer[Paying]

    I need someone who can code joomla templates. I also need someone who can work there way around it and get my site to the way id like it to be feature wise etc.I can pay minimally and can also offer link backs/ads etc. Please add me on msn for more details.
  16. SEÑOR

    Logo 1400 points

    Its a comedy website with comedy videos articles etc. id like a symbol/image and the words Laughing 4 Free in the logo.
  17. SEÑOR

    Logo 1400 points

    I need a logo for my new website Laughing 4 Free. I will be paying 1400 points. I need it ASAP. Please e-mail/post all entries to Edit: Bump
  18. SEÑOR

    [REQ]Drupal Design Coder

    Hey Ive designed a layout for Drupal, but I need it coded. If anyone could possibly code for free that would be awesome! please e-mail me at
  19. SEÑOR

    New Music Video

    Check out my new video: Douche Bags - Manikin Hand:
  20. SEÑOR

    20 points FAST
