Search results

  1. sundosia

    Hilarious Youtube Videogame Reviewer (Really, no really!~)

    Ah yes, I like Zero Punctuation as well, very witty indeed. I like Armake's Context Sensitive series. More review and less rant. =)
  2. sundosia

    So who likes techno?

    Three words, Tunnel Trance Force!
  3. sundosia

    Hilarious Youtube Videogame Reviewer (Really, no really!~)

    Check him out, though a little warning for those who are sensitive to cuss words and rantings =) Have laughs!
  4. sundosia

    Worst Things a Girl Said to you?

    The worst thing a girl has ever said to me is not saying anything at all. Seriously, you're trying too hard ;) There are too many girls/women out there to have oneitis. (google it)
  5. sundosia

    Awesome list of free, GOOD, QUALITY, software. I stumbled across it while surfin' the web. One word to describe it, AWESOME! =D I've downloaded like 7 different 3D editors, including the one everyone should have, Blender!