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  1. M

    PHPBB Blank page.. did I lost my data?

    I have just finished a very important post a week ago.. and I am still missing it, because of this Mysql mess-up. One page that uses a database works fine now, but my BB displays as blank. I don't know what to do. Do I need to back up something? How do I do that? I have a very important post on...
  2. M

    MySQL error continues

    Perfect. This keep continuing. Can somebody please help me? I have been waiting whole day for the server to get back online, now it's not working again. Did u upgrade MySQL server or what? What should I do to make it work? I am wasting precious time.:tear:
  3. M

    Problems with Mysql in PHPBB

    Hey all, I don't know what to do. I keep on getting this message in my forum: "General Error SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110) [2003] An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem...
  4. M

    Teamspeak on X10?

    Hello there! I would need help in an interesting quetion. Is there any opportunity that I can set up a a 24/7 TS server on my x10 host? That would be so great! Where should I start? Cheers, moha
  5. M

    Question (to DKP or not to?)

    Hello there! I am new for this whole x10, but please let me ask if this hosting is able to handle EQDKP? Coz that is what I am really searching. Thanks in advance!