Search results

  1. R

    A newbie wanting help

    I'm really qutie confused right now about various aspects of the this forum. :hsdance: There seems to be points system but I don't understand what it does. I mean I get 2 points for every post so why does there need to be a points system. What does the donate action do. I tried it and the...
  2. R

    Can't log into cpanel

    I can't log into my old account under the username enlivjxz with the webaddress I was wondering whether my account had been suspended or not. :ughdance:
  3. R

    Cpanel not working

    My user name used to be enlivjxz. I had a hosting account on this name. I couldn't log onto the Cpanel control because it kept saying I had the wrong password. I couldn't log into the forum either so I had to get a new account. Could you please tell me what's wrong this my account or reset...