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  1. O

    i need dns informaion & server adress

    thank sir but you didn't answare my secound question i need ip adress in dns zone editor to connect a subdomain of another host to x10hosting please help me i find these ips: which one works for me? thanks
  2. O

    I need IP Adress For Simple DNS Zone Editor

    i'm not using X10 domain. i'm using x10 hosting for another host i mean that i have i have define an ip adress in the simple dns zone editor to connect x10hosting for my subdomain i need ip adress of x10hosting to do this action
  3. O

    I need IP Adress For Simple DNS Zone Editor

    hello sir in other webhosting, i'm using Simple DNS Zone Editor to add your webhosting as a subdomian so i want to know that this information: when i go to simple DNS Zone Editor page, they need "Address of this host and they say it must be an IP address" what is the adress of this host for...
  4. O

    i need dns informaion & server adress

    hello sir thanks for your free service i need these information: DNS information for set my domain DNS i want to add a subdomain of another adress to this adress so i used the simple DNS zone on my webhost i need "Address" of this host to add record information thanks