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  1. Y

    My Sites Have Been Down For Months

    please tell me when you can get the server fixed my sites have been down since last year and it seems that many users are having the same problem.
  2. Y

    Sometimes my site is dead, sometimes it backs to normal, WHY?

    Sometimes I want to open my site, but a forbidden page is displayed. after a period of time, not very regular, I can open my site again. I must emphasis that I had never done anything during this period. any this phenomanon still continues. I guest that you are maintaining your server so...
  3. Y

    What is my MySQL host address??("localhoat" doesn't work)

    I am installing xoops and it needs the mySQL address, this is my second xoops so I know how to set the database. but when I enter mySQL addreee: mysql.[mysubdomain] the installation fails to connect my database, I am sure that the user name, pwd, db name are correct, of course I...
  4. Y

    I canNOT find "Control Panel"!!

    I am new, and there are many problems. 1. I canNOT find the link in frontpage to "login" once entering the frontpage there is no link to login. if I click the labels above, no "login" link found in each page. I logined through forum. 2. I canNOT find control...