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  1. designerkayemedia30

    Attendance Sheet Re-Made (Keep This One Active)

    wow I came in on a long one! :eek: mattblog DeadBattery stardom techairlines mattblog lukoot icywind335 xav0989 techairlines mattblog lukoot mattblog lukoot conzone DeadBattery Mattblog DeadBattery MattBlog darzamora techairlines Mattblog DeadBattery lukoot Mattblog darzamora Mattblog lukoot...
  2. designerkayemedia30

    Get "" domain to work with your x10hosting account.

    Will it work if your site is like Does it matter? I signed up here, but that's the subdomain I chose.
  3. designerkayemedia30

    What is the best way to get traffics?

    Trying not to spam, but I have a blog post on this topic if you'd like to read and comment: Blog Topic: Best Strategies for Linkbuilding Hope its helpful! :D
  4. designerkayemedia30

    x10 member get free backlink. Start submitting

    My blog could use some readers! ;) My site is still being updated because I have no pricing table yet. I'm selling business card and other templates as well as WordPress building services. I also advocate social media etiquette on my blog :) Site: (Not finished...
  5. designerkayemedia30

    Hello, Introducing myself!

    I'm a graphic designer and web designer from Ohio. My site is mostly a portfolio of my artwork but its no where near finished. LOL. I specialize in print media as well as online design. I can design buisness cards, pamphlettes, etc. Please feel free to visit my site or my deviantArt site if...