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  1. xal.04740

    0.00MB Database

    Thank you for your answer. I described everything right here: And my site is lately 90% down, can you offer me any reliable service, or tell me how to fix this/when it will be fixed ? PS i dont know why my...
  2. xal.04740

    0.00MB Database

    Thank you for your answer. According to your guestion, i've specified my issues right here: My site is 90% of time displaying "Could not connect to the database" for last 2weeks. I started...
  3. xal.04740

    Databases error?

    I still cant connect to my database, which for unknown reason weights 0.00mb, but now in cPanel i got this error: Can't use "wyj¶cie" as a method name in bracket group, in: Serwer MySQL[wyj¶cie,wykres,174] jest obecnie [boolean,_1,online,offline]. ===========^ near there via...
  4. xal.04740

    0.00MB Database

    Hello, Lately i'm having some difficulties with MySQL database- in cPanel it keeps saying it's empty, and on my site i can't use it, because everything seems to be overflowed. Is this somehow my fault, or all i can do is just wait? I wouldn't bother asking, but it happens once, sometimes...
  5. xal.04740

    Unable to access database (0.00MB)

    Hello, lateley i'm having an issue with my database. In the first place, when i wanted to access my site ( it responded with 'Could not connect to the database.', with no further information. After a copule of minutes the problem seem to be the same, but this time it responded...