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  1. loganthedragon99

    boru account issues

    Thank you for your reply Anna! I am confused on only one point, and that is: will I be receiving an "Illuminated Upgrade"? I only ask so that I know what will be happening to my account. I greatly appreciate your initial response, and would like to thank you in advance for any further response I...
  2. loganthedragon99

    boru account issues

    I would really appreciate some kind of response? I still cannot do anything with my cpanel, and all my data is gone. I would really appreciate a response, even if you are just still working on it. This has been OVER two weeks now. Thank you.
  3. loganthedragon99

    boru account issues continue

    also my data seems to have gone missing. i can only assume that this has something to do with the known issues regarding boru.
  4. loganthedragon99

    boru account issues

    my cpanel is not working properly, and when expanding the stats of my account from the cpanel i receive an error msg about not being able to create directories and find directories. if you need the entire error msg please let me know.