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  1. M

    Requires Staff Error uploading files

    Problem solved, thank you!
  2. M

    Requires Staff Error uploading files

    Hello, I'm still getting the same error, I can't upload any files.
  3. M

    Requires Staff Error uploading files

    Hello, I can't upload files, I get the next error when uploading with ftp Command: STOR DSC07319.jpg Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 451-Error during write to file Response: 451 Transfer aborted Error: File transfer failed after transferring 98,304 bytes in 1...
  4. M

    Site down x12 server

    Thank you! got it up and running again ;)
  5. M

    Site down x12 server

    My site is still down, help, anybody?
  6. M

    Site down x12 server

    Hello, I can't access my site, I get HTTP ERROR 500,, I can access directAdmin and FTP, no problem there, it's just the site that won’t load. I think it's been down for 3 days now. Can you help? thank you
  7. M

    Resolved can't install SSL certificate / space increase

    Thank you, I can see the space increase and SSL enabled. I understand, I'll keep that in mind.
  8. M

    Resolved can't install SSL certificate / space increase

    Hi, I'm trying to install a free let's encrypt certificate, I've read this sticky thread As i understand, i should install the certificates manually, but when I try to access SSL functionality from DirectAdmin, i get this...