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  1. S

    Help about Softaculous

    Sure, are you having any particular problems? If not, the basic run-down of installing an RSS reader via Softaculous is: 1) Login to CPanel 2) Scroll down to Softaculous, under Software tab. 3) On the navigation menu on the right, select "RSS." 4) Click on either "Gregarius" or "SimplePie" 5)...
  2. S

    X10Hosting Gamer Tag Listing

    Username: steve94 Real Name: Steve Age: 19 Location: New Orleans, LA Xbox Live: BigTymin504 PSN: TheRandster Steam: N/A XFire: N/A Games: Rockband 1/2, Guitar Hero, CoD, Halo, just about anything. Love racing games, Forza especially.