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  1. detectivecrookjp27

    Hai..don't mean to spam you, but can you look at my request? D: Also, hi! ^^...

    Hai..don't mean to spam you, but can you look at my request? D: Also, hi! ^^
  2. detectivecrookjp27

    I changed my domain but whenever I click my link, it shows up as 404 SERVER ERROR fro

    I'm having this problem, try checking it out.. I recently changed my domain to central gaming and now this happened, can anybody fix it?
  3. detectivecrookjp27

    Add Elgg to Softaculous

    Can someone at least help me install Elgg? I keep getting something about action_handler.php not found, and it's so very frustrating, wish someone would just do it for me. :mad: Like an auto-installer, or a person. xD
  4. detectivecrookjp27

    Internal Server Error

    I'm getting an internal server error, please add Elgg to Softalucuous or something, atm I'm trying to install Oxwall but it's not working. :/ Please fix it and install Oxwall or Elgg if you can!
  5. detectivecrookjp27

    Add Elgg to Softaculous

    Add Elgg to Softaculous, I keep getting some action_Handler.php can not be found, put Elgg in the auto installer! COME ON PEOPLE! We could really use it. :frown: