Search results

  1. DizzyTechnology

    New Server IP addresses

    What is the new Chopin IP address? A ping shows, but I want to make sure before I do any DNS stuff. Topic appropriately named so as to consolidate other potential threads on the subject.
  2. DizzyTechnology

    Setting up an account with a custom domain

    Once again, I'd rather not have to do this at all, but I need to.
  3. DizzyTechnology

    Setting up an account with a custom domain

    Yes, I know how to do that. :-D And I'd love to if I didn't have to use CNAME and A records (I know I can do MX through cPanel) to use my Google Apps and Tumblr.
  4. DizzyTechnology

    Setting up an account with a custom domain

    I've put in the Chopin IP for all of my A records (www, *, and nothing) but I still get the "Great Success!" page. I've had this domain configured to my account (in other words, no subdomain) for over two years. What should I do to get my site accessible again, or what should I change so I...
  5. DizzyTechnology

    Would you give up cPanel for better uptime?

    While I know nothing about building/running a server, I would highly recommend a cPanel alternative and going with lighttpd. Would make life so much easier! As such, I went and voted for the second option.
  6. DizzyTechnology

    Stoli Transfer

    I've updated my custom DNS and have verified I am on the new Stoli. Very nice, fastest I've seen Stoli yet. Even with transfers going on. It appears that PHP configurations (per-user) haven't been applied. My error logs are filling with memory_limit errors (Wordpress), ignore_user_abort()...
  7. DizzyTechnology

    The all-new DTaG Community

    Hey, guys, I'd like you to check out my website. I call it the DTaG (Dizzy Technology and Gaming) Community. Think of it as a Digg for all things related to video games. I'd really like for you guys to check out the design, but if you'd like, go ahead and join and post links to other sites...
  8. DizzyTechnology


    What's the use of having a nice, shiny zlib compression module in PHP if its both disabled and can't be enabled? :biggrin: I do understand, though, the great security measure of having PHP flags disabled for .htaccess and a local php.ini. Any ideas? I'm trying to slim down some things with...
  9. DizzyTechnology

    Ads taking an eternity to load

    The ad code causes my site to slow down exponentially, delaying the showing of content below the ad by up to (tested) five minutes. Is there any fix for this?
  10. DizzyTechnology

    New Domain Registrar - Great Success!

    I just transferred my domain to and set up A records leading my site, www, and * to, the Stoli address. My account is zacwal,, on Stoli. I flushed my DNS, forced OpenDNS to update, and waited the time-to-live. My site is now entirely replaced with...
  11. DizzyTechnology

    Advertisements replacing cPanel page

    Every time I try to login to cPanel (either via,, or, an ad takes over the page. I don't mean in the way it's supposed to (fade-in-fade-out), but it redirects...
  12. DizzyTechnology

    Missing PHP stuff

    I have Intermediate PHP on a new account (well, recreated). According to Drupal, PHP's mbstring and GD libraries are not installed. They were they a week ago (on my new account). What's up?
  13. DizzyTechnology

    Moving Servers? (They're down)

    Cossacks is down; is it being transferred? I'd just like to know.
  14. DizzyTechnology

    GZIP not working...

    Every time I try and upload a compressed file (tested with ZIP and TAR.GZ) in SMF, it uploads all of the files, but zeroes them out. I mean, none of the file content is there. I've uploaded the stuff manually via FTP, but it takes a while. Any ideas?
  15. DizzyTechnology

    Sending mail using GMail

    I have Google Apps for my domain set up at my site, I have set up Drupal, and installed an SMTP authentication module to access a account that I use to send mail. It tried to send a message when I set it up, and I get this: warning: fsockopen()...
  16. DizzyTechnology

    Missing zlib

    I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, though a search yielded nothing. As well, the support topic for PHP has been closed. Before I say anything else, I really thank all of you that lead x10Hosting have done a really great job, and have had nothing but good while here. As the title...
  17. DizzyTechnology

    cPanel 11?

    Was the sustained server supposed to have cPanel 11 on it? I had it briefly for a time right before the PHP upgrade, but then it returned to cPanel X. I still have the favicon from cPanel 11 - even after clearing my caches.
  18. DizzyTechnology

    Showing ads in Drupal -- help?

    Hi, I just installed Drupal on my site at It has no ads currently, but if an admin reads this, please know that the above link is the only one you will find to it. I asked on Drupal about showing an "ad" in the header, and I was told to make a block and...
  19. DizzyTechnology

    Session save path in Mambo... always "unset"

    I'm on the sustained server, and I run Mambo Lite (or "Core") on my x10Hosting account. No matte what I do, it always tells me my session save path is unset. I've tried: .htaccess in the Mambo directory with the php_value item. It gives me an error 500 on every page php.ini. Mambo still...
  20. DizzyTechnology

    Session save path in Mambo... always "unset"

    I'm on the sustained server, and I run Mambo Lite (or "Core") on my x10Hosting account. No matte what I do, it always tells me my session save path is unset. I've tried: .htaccess in the Mambo directory with the php_value item. It gives me an error 500 on every page php.ini. Mambo still...