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  1. M

    Project Payday Really Does Pay!

    Everyone needs to at least check this out. I thought it was like all the other junk out there, but it's works...complete offers for people and they pay you with Paypal ! :biggrin: Unlike all of the ridiculous "Make $1,000 a day" ads you see all over...
  2. M


    Just a quick hello. I literally stumbled upon this forum from a parked page I saw on a traffic exchange. Looks interesting so I'll be checking other sections out as I go...;)
  3. M

    We Need Websites To Advertise On

    ATTN: Forum Members We want to pay you to host 5-second audio ads on your website. "Television’s viewing audience is spending 4 times longer online than watching television. Big advertisers are spending less money with big TV networks because TV commercials...