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  1. S

    Cannot see any CPU Usage Stats in Cpanel

    For those experiencing the same thing I've been trying to get help on regarding the invalid "resource limits hit"...... Seems there was a bug on Chopin that has now been fixed but they have yet to identify all sites effected. My advice... Keep inquiring with support until you get someone that...
  2. S

    Cannot see any CPU Usage Stats in Cpanel

    Sorry to post here. I know you guys are trying to change this process but I'm failing to get legitimate answers thru your new ticketing system. I'm not suspended and our site has been down now for 4 + days due to the down DB on Chopin and what looks to be a common issue with invalid "resource...
  3. S

    Resource limit hit with no activity on website

    after my site( was brought back up today from the down db on chopin it began giving Resource limit hit and has stayed that way for over 10 hours now. I'm not sure what's going but other than changing an image on my main page there has been virtually no activity. Is this a...
  4. S

    Chopin Down

    Same error that many others are positing when trying to access cpanel: "Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin...
  5. S

    Cannot remove www prefix on subdomain

    Hi Brian, It worked! Thanks!... Feel a little silly for asking now but sometimes the simple things are missed. Thanks again!
  6. S

    Cannot remove www prefix on subdomain

    I'm having an issue with the creation of a sub domain for my site ( I tried to create a sub domain (for an additional site under the main domain). instead I got even though I did not include the www during...
  7. S

    Disconnected from database

    Hi I noticed some issues with my site this morning getting 404 errors and eventually not updating thru my Wordpress Admin panel. Now I cannot access my site or the admin panel and get "Error establishing a database connection". I've checked the forum and don't see anything that would take the...