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  1. bachoacho

    421 Too many connections (2) from this IP

    Hi just a suggestion, maybe x10 should state that while using FTP you shouldn't connect more than once from the same IP this is using the "Suggested"FTP client FileZilla, anyhow if I haven't seen anywhere that thera are IP connections limit on the documentation, so it should be noted somewhere...
  2. bachoacho

    [URGENT] My website is being hacked

    You seriously need to check the spelling of your site... Olvidastes..
  3. bachoacho

    About mime type

    Well i've uploaded previously and it didn't worked. For someone having the same problem I ended up creating the manifest file using php and header function.
  4. bachoacho

    About mime type

    Hello! Im trying to make a website here on x10 free but I neet to set a custom mime type for an appcache manifest should be: text/cache-manifest and it's responding: text/plain The extension is .appcache however i think that the provided webserver does NOT work with htaccess files! any...